Mangosuthu University of Technology
1.1 What is your field of study?
1.2 Which qualification did you study for?
1.3 I was registered as a ........... student.
1.4 If you are a Diploma graduate, how did you get into the programme?
1.5 Which year did you first register for the programme you graduating in this year?
1.6 What is your gender?
1.7 Which age category do you fall in?
1.8 What race group do you belong to?
1.9 Which country do you come from?
1.10 What is your current employment status?
1.11 How long did it take you to get employed?
1.12. In which sector are you employed?
1.13 How did you find the job?
1.14 Is your job related to your field of study?
1.15 If you are UNEMPLOYED, what could be the single biggest reason?
2.1 In general, the standard of work expected in each module was clear.
Strongly agree
2.2 The programme helped me to develop my confidence to study.
2.3 My studies helped me to develop my communication skills.
2.4 The University has programmes for me to study for higher qualifications.
2.5 The programme motivated me to study further.
2.6 The learning and teaching materials helped me in my studies.
2.7 I was academically adequately supported for online/blended learning.
2.8 The University provided adequate support for Work Integrated Learning (WIL).
2.9 There were sufficient library resources and support available.
2.10 The lecture venues were conducive for learning.
2.11 The university environment was conducive for studying.
2.12 I had the necessary devices to study and attend lectures off-site.
2.13 The WIFI was generally accessible and reliable on, and off-campus.
2.14 Sufficient study spaces were provided.
2.15 My experiences at the residence were positive.
2.16 Generally, transport to and from residences was reliable.
2.17 Generally, clinic and health care facilities were adequate.
2.18 The available counselling resources were adequate.
2.19 The range of sports activities were adequate.
2.20 Safety and security provided were adequate.
2.21 I had sufficient funding to cover for my study needs.
2.22 The registration process was smooth and seamless.
2.23 I would recommend MUT to others.
2.24 The University adequately communicated with me.
2.25 Overall, I am satisfied with my study experience at MUT.
2.26 In your opinion, how can MUT improve on the quality of education offered to students?
Thank you for your time
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